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white worms

Started by Jovnik, August 03, 2010, 10:18:58 AM

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Hy  :) !

I've got 55 gallons planted aquarium and just found some wiggly white worms in it. Found them in the filter to... They are like half inch long and very thin and there are lots of them wiggling around... Have no idea what they are, are they bad or good, never had them before...

Do you have any idea what it is?


P.S. In the tank, I've got only plants with one Khuly loach, few gray shrimps and some snails...


No worries - there are all sorts of critters in our tanks that we see, usually when we're overfeeding or when there are no predators. Both may be the issue in your case as the inverts likely won't eat many.

Your kuhli would love some buddies - they are fish that are happiest in big wormy groups.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds


Thank you, Laura  ;) ! It was ready helpful!



My pleasure - give your tank a good gravel vac and it should clear out the bulk of them.
700 gal pond - Rosy reds