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Squirrels destroying flowers

Started by bt, July 09, 2011, 02:17:00 PM

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Anybody have any ideas on how to repel squirrels?  Preferably before my wife risks a visit from the police for using a BB gun on them....


I have heard of using Mothballs, but I am not sure that is good for the soil. Most pest animals (and bugs) hate the smell of that, just bury it 1cm or 2cm into the soil around the plant you are trying to deter the squirrels from eatting...

Another thing that worked well that i know for a fact works well, human hair. Weird, yes, but most animals  won't come near the smell of us, especially if it appears the smell is coming from the plant they want to eat. They think we are there or something. Can't get hair, than dry blood meal can work too.

Hot Pepper, and other such remedies are hit and miss, depends on your squirrels. I looked this up on the net a bit and from what I have seen my parents do, but personnally, I have never had this problem, only seen it in London, ON when I grew up. Cant shoot them, don't think thats legal, lol!


Shooting them is legal in some places - Ottawa is not one of those places, though.

One of the plants they've bothered is actually a hot pepper plant.

I'll try human hair.  We've tried cat fur under a similar theory, and it didn't seem to do any good.


Do not laugh and I am quite serious human urine. Pee in a cup then spill it around the garden or flower bad.
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


human hair has the same effect as human urine... sans the smelly part! be sure to tell us how it turns out!


Quote from: Yams on July 09, 2011, 07:58:58 PM
human hair has the same effect as human urine... sans the smelly part! be sure to tell us how it turns out!

LOL you do not put so much you smell it just they can smell it... easier to collect urine than hair... LOL ;)
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


Don't waste your time with a BB gun, shotguns propel many BB's at the same time. Or, a rat trap using string tied around the trigger and coating it with peanut butter. Careful though, some squirrels have peanut allergies, be sure to post a warning for them!
PS. There is a season for hunting squirrels and the red ones are protected.


One thing I have heard works plus there is an added benefit is the motion activated water sprinkler, benefit... garden gets watered too!  We have a LOT of squirrels in my area and 3 of my friends have gotten one, works for skunks, raccoons and cats too!
It is a little costly initially but well worth it in the long term.  Around $70-$90 I think.
I have 3 dogs... I love it when squirrels come in my yard, excercise for my dogs!  LOL!


It's planters on a deck, so unfortunately sprinklers won't work.  I'll remember that for when we put the flower beds in the front of the house though!


a friend of mine sat outside and hit them :)

used one of those wrapping paper tubes, and the squirrels were destroying the garbage cans, he smacked the thing right across the head and stunned it hahaha it came back later though :P they don't respond to physical punishment...also, they fight back! :P

dog poop works well but stinky! haha yep on the human hair! though the birds LOVE LOVE LOVE hair!!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Perhaps you could try to feed them some shelled peanuts...put a stash of them away from the flowers...maybe the neighbours


I hear that if you put cat poop in the flower beds, the squirrels will stay away.



What I know works and repels
Squirrels, skunks, racoons
Is cayenne pepper.
Mix in a spray bottle
Some of the franks hot souce
With water, then spray your flowers
With it. Spray it about once a
I do it myself on my vegetable
Garden and it works .
120g REEF Upgrading to a 180g soon
38G REEF


Quote from: yellowtang on July 12, 2011, 09:58:13 AM
Some of the Franks Red Hot Sauce

I put the bleep on everything! sorry couldn't risist... LOL

I've also heard of using Paprika likely the spicy type?
"I may not agree with what you have to say,
but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."


I've heard that strong-smelling plants like mint and lavender repel small rodents due to their overwhelming scent.

Be warned though, if you plant mint, you will NEVER get rid of it. Seriously.
But on the plus side, pulling out mint smells nice and allows for impromptu mojitos ;)


Quote from: on July 12, 2011, 12:24:43 AM
get a dog

+1 You can borrow my squirrel hunter Beagle  :)

She lives to rid the yard of squirrels.


Quote from: Dorrie on July 12, 2011, 10:07:30 PM
I've heard that strong-smelling plants like mint and lavender repel small rodents due to their overwhelming scent.

Be warned though, if you plant mint, you will NEVER get rid of it. Seriously.

They have yet to touch the spearmint plant we got.  It's in a planter so no worries about it "taking over", but it's not going to help save the other plants either.


We had problems with 2 racoon families that fought each other in our backyard couple years back.

Solved the problem by hanging a few rags dipped in ammonia.  They hated it !!  Cheap solution if not a stinky one  O.o