New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Ottawa River Cleanup Day - come out and help?!

Started by PaleoFishGirl, May 22, 2007, 04:20:19 PM

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not everyone needs boots - only those that dare the waters edge.


You can always pick up some Wellies for cheap at Wal Mart...


"An 'island' of plastic debris, approximately the size of Texas, is currently floating undisturbed in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Every year, it grows in size."

source.. Canadian Shoreline Cleanup Project


I won't be back from the UK by then, but will send beery blessings across the pond.


I've been in touch with the organizer of this event.  He would like our group to be responsible for Britannia Beach. 

We can pick up all of the cleanup materials either in advance or on the day of.  The cleanup would take place from approximately 10am - noon on Sunday, June 10th.  There is a picnic at Westboro Beach from 12-1 afterwards for those interested, or we can simply remain at Britannia Beach and have our own picnic.

Thanks in advance to all who will join me there :) I will post more details as I get them.  Please see attached for the 'official' description & invitation.

[attachment deleted by admin]


Dan - someone needs to guard the lunch buckets....


I'll try to come out if I can.  Britannia beach always needs some cleaning it seems.

I was site co-ordinator for Britannia beach and then Strathcona park for a few years of the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, and it was always a good time, and it feels good to help clean up where you can!

I suggest that someone bring a fist aid kit if you can though.. we saw a lot of broken glass and other nasty things about.  Rubber/latex/nitrile gloves help too, Britannia beach had wayyyyyy too many hygiene products laying about. :(


I have a pooperscooper tool, that I'll bring to the cleanup.

It will be handy for picking up 'hygiene' or other 'health risk' items that i wouldnt dare touch even with gloves.

Also, if anyone is seeing their MD this month, check that your tenanus is up-to-date.


cigarette butts are tedious to pick up unless u have a tool with a pin or nail on the end. Does anyone have such a thing, or can jury-rig one?


there will certainly be some biohazards. Those that are willing to deal with them should be prepared, but there will be alot of regular cleanup required as well, and im sure kids can help with that.


AS for a first aid kit I can bring one. And I have taken a first aid course when I was a Scout leader :)


Quote from: charlie on May 22, 2007, 04:31:56 PM
I would be interested , if i`m healed & cleared to go.
I`m unable to help, next time.




Would love to help out but right now I don't know what the heck is going on w/ my work schedule :( . If it turns out I can make it are walk-ins acceptable?? or do I need to RSVP prior to the event for organizational purposes?




There doesn't seem to be much organization even within the organization... I've been trying to get details for the past week and a bit but they haven't been forthcoming other than our location, so I don't know what else to say! Show up if you can?


Apparently there will be no touching of biohazards, needles, etc.  We simply flag them with neon tape (provided) and the NCC will pick them up.

Sounds like we will be the largest group (provided you guys actually come out!) so we are in charge and get to tell everyone else where to go ;)


I'll try and show up depends on what time I leave Montreal.