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Looking for Volunteers - Super Ex Petfest

Started by BigDaddy, June 06, 2007, 12:46:03 PM

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If someone has a gmail account, you can create a Google calendar and make it viewable by all...not sure if that will work but might be worth a try. 

Unfortunately I am away camping in upstate New York that week so I can't volunteer.  I might not be the best candidate to manage the schedule but I can give it a go if desired...



Hello I already volunteered to set up a schedule!!!! ;)
If someone would give me the times and date of the when the both needs personing I will proceed forth. I have gmail so I can use their calender.
I'll start working on this tomorrow.


Quote from: beowulf on June 06, 2007, 01:45:04 PM
I might be available for a weekday towards the end as I get a volunteer day from the government.  Getting married August 11th then a week off so I would only be able to starting August 20th.
Kevin, why don't you go there for your honeymoon, look at the money you would save, of course Ashley might be a little upset, though. ;)
Like PFG says "I miss this place and all the people associated with it."


There should be something in place this evening, no worries, just relax, and those that haven't indicated as such as yet may well wish to add their names to this thread in the meantime.


I have been informed that there will be something of a calendar/sign up sheet in place by the end of this week. So patience everyone, just continue to post in this thread to help us establish a ground from which we can assemble a starting point. At this point, it is still questionable what our involvement may be with the Super Ex Petfest, not to worry, let us see what the end of the week brings us.


Many thanks to Dan for putting this working Calender together. Smiley Smiley
Go to web site below:


Password:  aquarium

Any questions or problems let me know.


Looks to me like we have the day shifts covered , between freshwater & sean c + a few more daytime volunteers that solves the daytime schedule, also there is a few weekend volunteer .


I put my contact info with my hours for volunteer (they may change depending on how many people sign up and I'll fill in where I can) that way if anyone needs to contact me they can! :)

55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


i'll wait to fill in what i can do.  i'll do 2 days untill 6...maybe 3 if i'm needed.  i have to be home for the kids to go to bed so i'll be able to stay untill 8 at the latest.  i'll wait and see what is left over once everyone fills in what times they can do and fill in as many blanks as i can


Quote from: babblefish1960 on June 20, 2007, 01:08:17 AM
I have been informed that there will be something of a calendar/sign up sheet in place by the end of this week.

I don't see any other calender/sign up  sheet, other than the one by Dan & washefuzzy, so i assume that is the one referred to & promised for this weekend  :-\
I see a few passionate people trying to get this thing organized, but don't see a lot of support coming their way, maybe i`m jumping the gun, if so i retract my statement & offer my apologies


That's the calendar/sign up that we are using, the one that Dan made.
I've cleaned up that thread and added a link to it as a news item so that it will show up at the top of every page on random.


It's great to see people signing up. :) Though It says 8am I'll have to change that to Noon as we are not needed until than. :)


Is this project still a go or is it a no go, i would like to know so i can make other plans for my summer if it is a no go.


ok i was trying to fill in when i can go but i have no idea  i may just be having one of those moments again.  someone wanna help? :D


Quote from: sweetness85 on June 29, 2007, 04:56:30 PM
ok i was trying to fill in when i can go but i have no idea  i may just be having one of those moments again.  someone wanna help? :D
Hello Sweetness I don't know if this will help but here goes. :)
Go to the site. Point under the last person on the day you want to work. It should light up a bit than you can click and it will open a nice little box which you can add your name and there is a place to add time.
I'll PM my phone number to you if you have trouble we can walk through together on the phone oka.


Sorry folks ,because of other opportunities that needed my commitment & no clear indication from the club as to if we are going forward with is or not i`m no longer able to volunteer my time .


That is a fair statement Charlie, you have plans that must be made. At this point in time, without having the actual facts on hand, it may be accurate to say that this event of representation may not be happening anyway. Though I do hope someone who knows with certainty would come and say as much. I believe we are past the extended deadline, and no news in this case, quite possibly correlates with no attendance.

Thanks for everyone's interest, have a swell summer.


Does anyone know for sure if it's a go or not?


Given that we don't have overwhelming support for the entire duration of SuperEx, as well as feedback from members who have done so in the past saying it is a huge committment not to be taken likely, OVAS will not be involved in Petfest for the entire week.  While we have had a number of volunteers, who should all be commended for their desire to participate, we are lacking any volunteers for anything beyond 4 o'clock.

I have spoken with the staff at Petfest, however, and they have agreed to at least reserve a booth for us for the opening weekend of SuperEx.  This would be the full day August 18 & 19.  This is still a tentative agreement.

Ultimately, I would like to see at least 4 volunteers committeed to each of the different time slots.  The booth would need to be manned by at least 2 volunteers, and I'd want to see 2 other "backups" available should peoples' schedule change, emergencies, etc.  If we can get this firmed up by the end of the week, then I will approach Petfest and confirm our attendance for the weekend.

The Club will organize whatever is required... from handouts to banners, whatever we can arrange for by that time.


i added myself on the weekend...
I'm fairly certain I'm around that weekend , and I can make arrangements to work with OVAS instead of my job :)

just need to know what's what so I can plan!
and can definatly work longer than 6 hours
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts