New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

freshwater shipment, plants and brackish saturday september 19th

Started by marc-andre, September 19, 2009, 07:36:21 AM

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Hi everyone,
-spotted climbing gourami
-polleni cichlid
-african marble peacock
-spotted headstander
-cherry red hap
-black angel sm
-neon blue guppy
-regular and crowntail betta (60)
-dwarf gourami
-neon tetra sm
-sm leopard corydoras
-regular plecostomus md
-gold balloon dwarf cichlid xl
-pearl scale
-assorted telescope eye goldfish
-blood red dwarf gourami
-clown loach(3.5cm)
-clown loach(6.0cm)
-cyphotilapia frontosa (5cm)
-yamato shrimp(3.5-4cm)
-assorted swordtail
-glowlight tetra
-red eye tetra
-congo tetra
-sky blue tetra

-saururus cernuus
-hygrophila rosanervis
-egeria densa
-rotala vietnam
-sagittaria subulata
-cryptocoryne walkeri
-vallisneria spiralis
-aluminum plant
-mayaca fluviatilis
-egeria najas
-microsorium pteropus with moss on coco shell(very nice)
-chladophora aegagropila(moss ball)

shrimps in stolk:

-yamato shrimp(3.5-4cm)
-red crystal shrimp
-green shrimp

plecostomus in stolk:
-peppermint pleco
-gold nugget pleco
-royal pleco
-rubber lip pleco

brackish fish: started a new 90 gallons corner tank with those fish in it

-spotted puffer
-spotted scat

                                                                                                 have a nice weekend everyone

