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ridiculously easy maintenance low tech tank?

Started by brotherluv, February 08, 2012, 11:11:19 PM

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After seeing some of the amazing planted tanks on this forum I've decided to perhaps try my hand at it again. My first attempt failed miserably!  The only plants that survived  was the nana and the bamboo lol.  I'm not interested in spending much money...I have the10g tank, filters, driftwood, rocks, substrate (not sure what kind fine black pebbles and slightly larger white pebbles)  and fish (betta white clouds and neon tetras) ..I'd like to use the stock light fixture off my 55g tank ( 18" f15 t8 bulb).  Is it possible to do this with what I've got?  Can someone help point me in the right direction?


it is possible, it would help if we know how much you are prepared to spend & what types of plants interest you.
The stock light off your 55 might be a tad longer than the 10 gallon, if the over hang is not an issues, sure it can work.


I would be interested in low maintenance plants.  No specific types any that's easy to grow.  I'd like to spend as little as possible. Let's aim for $50 for the initial re start up.  Most important variable is it works this time, money comes second. Id like it to work for as little as possible.  Thanks.


The most luscious cheap tanks are the dirt substrate ones... look up "walstad planted tanks".  I'm not sure that it fits the bill of 'easy', unfortunately, at least in the establishing phase.

That said, I think that you can do it with what you have! 
Some low light plants are anubias, java fern, java moss.  And cryptocorynes! 

Spend the money on the right plants, and some root tab (fertilizers) for the crypts and swords, add patience (this stuff grows more slowly than anything under high light), and I think you can do it.  :) 

For slow growers, I would also invest in an otocinclus algae eating fish.  Anubias can keep each leaf for years, so you need something to keep it clean of algae.   


Is what I've got considered  high light?  I'll grab some of those fert tabs and the oto fish you mentioned...good start I suppose.  Don't sword plants grow too big for my tank...?  Where can I get these java plants you speak of?  I work beside big al's in kanata.


I wouldn't call it high light, no.  Those plants are all lower light.

Swords, yes too big... sorry, I edited them out of an earlier part of the post considering the size, but missed the root tab sentence.

I have found crypts at big al's, but not really any of the others, unfortunately.  Sometimes they have java ferns at petsmart.  I often see anubias on the arrivals list for LaNiche. 

Crypts may melt when you put them in a new tank, but don't give up on them.. it's common, and they usually come back if you leave the roots where they are. 


Any other types?  I don't mind changing the bulb maybe if it gives me a few more options...although I think you've given me good ones to start. I won't drive to la niche as I live in renfrew and don't want to drive that far. I have an annubias that is in my cichlid tank I can use.  Basically I dont want to use co2 


African fern, Bolbitis heudelotii is a great plant for low light.
I can drop a piece off to you next time in town if you're
interested? I've also got the large leafed anubias,Anubias barteri I can share as
well? Warning though there may be some algae to play with, although nothing
too serious.
I may have one or two val plantlets as well if you need.
Renfrew was supposed to get plants last week?

Let me know :).
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


That's quite generous! Any plants you have that you think will work is be open to trying sas:)  I'm going to use my anubias nana plant.   What order should I get stuff?  I can get root tabs and,the oto before  i go home tonight. then I just start adding plants?  Should i dose Excel or Excel flourish when i put in the plants and how many plants is too much? 


You have received great tips.
I would change the light for sure
A Double bright LED fixture from Marineland-18-24 would be nice with that tank & plants mentioned, also look at getting a used MFG light fixture & gut it & replace with 2 x 13  Spiral Compact flourescent if the LED is more than you are prepeared to spend, another alternative s the sunblatser type hydroponics T5 HO strip light ( around 30.00 & a piece of PVC rain gutter from Home Depot as aDIY  housing &  reflector.
A bottle of Seachem Excel will help with some added carbon & last a long time on that size of tank, that`s a starting point.
BTW don`t get tied up with the watts per gallon rule, in short its not applicable to 10 gallon or smaller.


Quote from: charlie on February 09, 2012, 12:19:03 PM

I would change the light for sure
A Double bright LED fixture from Marineland-18-24 would be nice with that tank & plants mentioned, also look at getting a used MFG light fixture & gut it & replace with 2 x 13  Spiral Compact flourescent if the LED is more than you are prepeared to spend, another alternative s the sunblatser type hydroponics T5 HO strip light ( around 30.00 & a piece of PVC rain gutter from Home Depot as aDIY  housing &  reflector.


What would you consider the lighting levels if brotherluv got one of these?
Just for my curiosity!



Not a problem sharing. It'll be nice to see another planted tank.
I'd give Sweet hydroponic Gardens a call. He's out on Bruce st.,
in Renfrew.
I bought the sunblasters and really like them.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


I bought a Sunblaster from Sweet's, as well.  It is a 36" T5HO.  I put it over a 38 gallon tank just a few weeks ago.  I would say it is giving more than low light, with just the one bulb. 


Quote from: Peekay on February 09, 2012, 12:43:09 PM
What would you consider the lighting levels if brotherluv got one of these?
Just for my curiosity!
They would probably fall into the medium to medium low bracket
for reference the DBL led i have seen some  so called medium light plants grown with it, La Niche has a diplay of one, i Will try to get a picture & post it
You have to take into consideration the height of the tank.
The single T5 HO will probably be height light on a 10 gallon only because of the high intensity & the shallow height of a 10 gln, the alternative to controlling light is to raise it to lower the intensity.
OP i think the Marineland LED are on sale @ MOPS or Petsandpond  can`t remember which one. My preference for a low light tank like you are seeking is the Marineland LED.


It's MOPS that has the Marineland Double Brights on sale right now.


I am setting up a dirt tank as we speak. Organic Miracle Grow potting mix and some potters clay capped with sand or gravel. Super easy and cheap substrate.



Oh they are a sponsor of seep should the substrate be i have approx 1 inch.
