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Fish and plant compatibility

Started by Motoman89, February 24, 2019, 08:31:08 AM

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Hey guys/gals, I have a question about what breeds of plants and fish would be best suited to my natural well water conditions. I did a Ph test last night and it is on the higher side at 7.6+. I am going to guess it is fairly hard as well since we are on a well with no softener. What breeds of fresh water fish and plants are naturally suited to these higher ph levels?


Hi Motoman89,

I am in Cumberland with very hard, high PH well water.

I have been keeping fish and plants her for about 8 years. Most fish, if slowly acclimatized, do fine in these conditions. A few that have not done well for me are rams, and dwarf gourami (other gourami do great).

The same goes for plants, most everything does well.

Fish that do especially well are livebearers (Endlers, Platys, Guppies) and Kribensis. There are also African Cichlids that live hard water but they were hard to find and are not suitable for community tanks (e.g. Tanganyika) so I don't have experience with them. Although I hope to get some someday.

Feel free to ask me questions. I will help where I can.
