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How do I raccoon proof my pond?

Started by Fishnut, May 12, 2008, 09:17:53 PM

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Check out this link:

I heard of a product that deters raccoons by using a motion sensing repellant from an aerosol can. I couldn't find a link for it.

I have also read you can lay down black plastic on the ground. Raccoons don't like the mushy footing. You can use black grbage bags, but that doesn't look very nice.

JJ ;)


Google has a lot of information about racoons.

Here are a few clippings....

"Raccoons are very intelligent animals, so these exclusion tactics usually work quite well. If a raccoon tries to get food or shelter and not only can't get to it, but also feels uncomfortable, then after a couple of attempts, they will stay away and find an alternative source".

Raccoons in the Garden or Fish Pond

"Use a Scarecrow. The "Scarecrow" is good at driving interlopers away from small areas where you don't want them. It is especially effective against deer, rabbits, raccoons, dogs, and cats. The Scarecrow, which works both day and night, is equipped with a heat sensor and puts out a brief burst of water whenever it detects motion within range. This device requires a clear field of view (bushes and trees block it), a dedicated hose line, and a 9-volt battery (to power the motion detector). It covers up to 1,000 square feet and detects motion in a 100-degree arc extending outward 35 feet from the detector".

"Use an electric fence, such as Fido Shock ®, which is high voltage, low amperage, and it will not hurt the animal or you".

"Light the area with floodlights or motion detector lights".

"The raccoon evictorT/ squirrel evictorT MB10K and MB100K are high intensity strobe lights that live up to their names-raccoons, squirrels, roof rats, and other home invaders hate them. Unlike ultrasound, which provides mostly backup support for indoor raccoon control (especially insurance against re-infestation), these are attack devices. Raccoons being highly visual, they find the raccoon evictorT MB10K and MB100K grossly offensive, intolerable in fact, and they commonly leave established nests in as little as 24 hours. So in most cases where there is an attic or basement space that the resident animals must pass through to enter or leave the building, they can be evicted".

"If you have a small pond, build a wooden frame to cover the pond. Cover the frame with 1" x 2" welded wire. Secure it to the ground. This frame can be left on permanently or removed daily. Since the raccoons are nocturnal, just be sure the pond is covered at night".

"So far, we have had great success in repelling raccoons with the 0700 Deluxe Dual Speaker Pest Repellant ® from Weitech Inc. at They can be reached at 1-800-343-2659, if you would like to call".

"Repel ® Granules, which is a dog and cat repellant, can be sprinkled around any area where the raccoons gather, be it roof, attic, trash area etc".

"Light the area with flood lights or motion detector lights. Motion detector lights usually work the best".

"live traps work fine and can get rid of raccoons safely. One or more of these traps should be set with a raccoon bait (such as Product T-14 below) and should be placed in areas frequented by the raccoons you wish to catch or along paths commonly used by them. If you opt for live release, captured raccoons should be released far away, some say as far as 20 miles, in order to ensure they do not return".


That's a lot of fantastic information!!

Since the new pond has been up and running, the raccoons haven't done anything.  It's 25" tall and has a 2 inch rim around the edge.  It's also covered with a mesh that is secured with a bungee "belt" around the pond.  I think what had happened when they initially discovered my pond was that they stepped on the mesh, it gave to the weight of the racoon and came out of it's elastic belt.  The raccoons must have discovered this and reached under that part.  On the new pond, the mesh has more give before it escapes the belt.  What I hope I have accomplished is that if they try to climb up on the pond, the mesh will give way and make them feel uncomfortable in their possible footing so they won't try to keep at it.

I have no idea if they have tried anything and not succeeded or f they just haven't been around, but the new pond has gone undisturbed for the past 3 weeks!


Quote from: TomA on June 02, 2008, 12:19:07 PM
"The raccoon evictorT/ squirrel evictorT MB10K and MB100K are high intensity strobe lights that live up to their names-raccoons, squirrels, roof rats, and other home invaders hate them. Unlike ultrasound, which provides mostly backup support for indoor raccoon control (especially insurance against re-infestation), these are attack devices. Raccoons being highly visual, they find the raccoon evictorT MB10K and MB100K grossly offensive, intolerable in fact, and they commonly leave established nests in as little as 24 hours.
Whoa, hope the neighbors aren't epileptic :o


Congrats on being coon free!! hehe

yeah that article was interesting!! roof rats = pigeons? hehe some of those things dont work though :P I've never had luck with the granules and the scarecrow, they just get used to it and come back!
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


Maybe I could get one of those mechanical things that people put on their lawns on Halloween  ;D


Be carful if you decied to chase them yourselves, Iv had a racoon that wouldint budge when I chucked stones at it, even when I went after it with a broom it just stared at me. Took my little dog to scare it off. So yeah get some sort of german sheperd or even a husky crossbreed with a wolf, they can stay outdoors all year long (they also prefer it.) Even a Roman mix would do well, they have been used alot for guard dogs and tend to be agressive to small furrythings.