New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

JetJumper's Tank Build

Started by JetJumper, March 02, 2010, 12:33:50 AM

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TANK IS FULL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO CRACKS!  NO LEAKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS RUNNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


Moonlight shot.

The stand will be finished at a later date.. Funds are tight now.. haha
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Nice romantic moonlight shot!  ;)

No doubt funds are tight after that somewhat spontaneous LED light purchase! You are truly an honorable man for Guinea pigging that technology for the rest of us.  :)
Steve Everum

"We like people for their qualities, but love them for their defects."

120 gallon reef


When is the new rock going in?
Cant wait to see what you do with the aquascape in the tall cube.



I happened to take one today.. I did put the new rock in there... Figured.. what the hell.. might as well do it now before it gets too crazy.  My memory card is full on my camera, and didn't have time to clear it so here is what I got:P

FIJI rock on top.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Tank looks good! I like the rockwork, lots of caves and a bridge.  :)


Wondering if you are getting better output from your skimmer?

I have a similar looking model from SeaClone - and it calls for MJ600 to MJ900 or similar volume.
I think your Ehiem 1250 is about 300 to 350 GPH might not be pushing enough water through the unit.
More water flow past the air venturi will entrain more air in the water column, hopefully resulting in more foam production and better output of skimmate
Can send you digital copy of SeaClone 150 manual tomorrow.


Quote from: new2salt on May 09, 2010, 10:17:15 AM
Wondering if you are getting better output from your skimmer?

I have a similar looking model from SeaClone - and it calls for MJ600 to MJ900 or similar volume.
I think your Ehiem 1250 is about 300 to 350 GPH might not be pushing enough water through the unit.
More water flow past the air venturi will entrain more air in the water column, hopefully resulting in more foam production and better output of skimmate
Can send you digital copy of SeaClone 150 manual tomorrow.

I actually changed things around abit.  I am diverting off my return pump now since it is rated for 1500GPH.  I am taking roughly 500+ GPH for the Skimmer.  Its pulling stuff out now!  Have to clean it every other day.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


ok you cant just go posting pics of empty tanks saying theres "new additions" and flea the country  >:(


Quote from: salvini55 on October 08, 2010, 12:28:24 AM
ok you cant just go posting pics of empty tanks saying theres "new additions" and flea the country  >:(

LOL.. Sorry about that..  I am in the process of changing the flooring in the room so I haven't started anything on the tank side of things.  Don't want to set anything up then have to move it because I need to pull out the carpet.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


I reluctantly let you off the hook


Corals have all been moved to a 25G tank for now.  Fish will be pulled out tonight.

Tank is being cleaned and painted with a black background tonight as well.  Hopefully have it back up and running tomorrow and flooring finished tomorrow.  then Phase 2 of this entire mix mash of moving tanks and adding more gets started!

Here is the plan for the room if anyone is curious.

[attachment deleted by admin]
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Painted 2 sides black.  I like the look :)
Tank is moved and in place.  Waiting on some plumbing parts to come in so I can continue.  (Hence the holes still open in the tank at the back)

After letting the lights be on for a little bit I noticed that some Zoa's survived the move!

.: JetJumper's Zone :.



So the fun continues now that the flooring is completed in the back room.

I had some fun working with glass tonight.  Here are some pictures so you can see what I mean.

After get the edges all polished so I don't cut myself (I have a Diamond Glass Wet Grinder) on the pieces I cleaned them up and set them down.  5 minutes later I walked past where I set them down and guess what happens.. my shirt snags the pieces and pulls them to the ground... SMASHING 3/4's of the pieces.. God was I PISSED OFF!  Some how the 2 big 12"x12" pieces didn't break.  I don't know how so I decided to silicone them in place and feel like I did something tonight.  I didn't have a piece big enough to go across my sump so I just bonded 2 together.

So tomorrow I will remake what I just broke and try all over again.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Nice progress..almost..   Sorry about the oops

I know I would have cursed up a storm


New pieces cut and gluing currently.. will have pictures hopefully later tonight :)
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


And here is the product of a madman.

I am sure you are wondering what I am going to use this for.. well.. I Created this for the purpose of filter floss.  My tank will be draining into my Fuge which the fuge will then drain to the sump.  I wanted to catch any of the big particles before they manage to settle to the floor of the fuge.  I am sure most of you are wondering why I didn't just simply get a filter sock.  Well to be honest, I just felt like making this for the hell of it.  I had access to a bunch of free stained glass... so why not!

More to come during the week when I get more time.
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


33 gallons - FW Community tank [/li]
[li]20 gallons - Nano Reef tank (Two Onyx Clowns, 1 peacock flasher wrasse, 1 pearly jawfish, 1 black sailfin blenny, many LPS and few SPS[/li][/list]
30 gallons terrarium - Crested gecko[/li]


And here is how I mounted it to the fuge.

.: JetJumper's Zone :.


well, we have !!!!!

I find this to be the ultimate salt mixing machine.

Here are some more updated pictures.

So far no leaks, both systems are attached at the hip and I am almost ready to turn the switch to get the water going!  Just waiting for it to come to temp so I don't shock anything.

.: JetJumper's Zone :.