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DIY root tab

Started by Peekay, February 05, 2012, 10:00:20 AM

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I was looking into root tabs, as any thrifty girl would before plunking down her (husband's) hard earned money, and came across this thread.

Apart from sniping at each other and somehow dragging the BP oil spill into it, there's a DIY solution that I'm going to try. 

Osmocote time release fertilizer in ice cubes.  In Canada, it's sold as Miracle Gro Shake 'n Feed 19-6-12, for about $7/lb.   (available at Home Depot)

Posting it for anyone else who is in the market for root tabs to investigate.


Quote from: Peekay on February 05, 2012, 10:00:20 AM
I was looking into root tabs, as any thrifty girl would before plunking down her (husband's) hard earned money, and came across this thread.

Apart from sniping at each other and somehow dragging the BP oil spill into it, there's a DIY solution that I'm going to try. 

Osmocote time release fertilizer in ice cubes.  In Canada, it's sold as Miracle Gro Shake 'n Feed 19-6-12, for about $7/lb.   (available at Home Depot)

Posting it for anyone else who is in the market for root tabs to investigate.

Wow that is one heck of a post]

Let us know how it goes, i would be very interested to follow the same avenue if you see it works out.



I have used Smartcote slow release ferts (similar to osmocote, but not the same ratio of macros).  I froze them with a little water in an old ice cube tray, and inserted them under root feeders.

Worked fine for me, no issues that I am aware of.


That's reassuring Peter, because I just did it too!

They say 3/4 tsp for a 6 inch pot, so I did a 1/4 tsp in each cube because I wanted to be able to put them under each plant... some only a couple inches apart.


Hi, I was wondering how it's going with the DIY root tabs. My tank is suffering from nutrient difficiency and I can't seem to keep up with the root tabs although I just bought a bunch from MOPS - $3-4 less...In getting ready for outside gardening, I got the Miracle-Gro slow release fert...without knowing that I could use it for my tank.

But because the macro quantities are different, I wasn't sure if it was going to work.

It would be nice to know if things are working out.



I bought diy Osmocote capsules from a seller on The Planted Tank forum.  I have had good luck with them.  I use a variety of root tabs, including Flourish, API, Jobes (fern and palms) and the Osmocote capsules.  I have found that my Amazon swords have done well with API tabs. 


Back in the day, and I'm not recommending it, but when root tabs had yet to be invented for the planted tank hobby, hobbyists with gerbils or hamsters would use the droppings and push them into the substrate near the plant's roots. Personally I use the seachem tabs, seem to work pretty well for my swords. I'd like to get my hands on some tropica capsules, have yet to try these.
125g, 32g, 7g


Quote from: touchofsky on March 24, 2012, 11:13:27 AM
I bought diy Osmocote capsules from a seller on The Planted Tank forum.  I have had good luck with them.  I use a variety of root tabs, including Flourish, API, Jobes (fern and palms) and the Osmocote capsules.  I have found that my Amazon swords have done well with API tabs. 

What a coincidence, for the first time, I used them when replanting my amazon swords. I had read that the API tabs were better than the Flourish ones but I think that they also need to be replaced more often.


Yes, they do need to be replaced more often, but I sure found that my swords grew better with them, over the others I mentioned.  Just my observation  :)


I'm gonna now give API a try, thanks for the tip.
125g, 32g, 7g


Well, I have a low tech tank, so things change slowly.  But, I can say for sure that my swords
are sending out leaves that are twice as long as they were before putting in the tabs.  My crypts also have plentiful baby leaves.  Vals are spreading but still short. 

I have algae, but the tabs are not suspect.  ;)

Quote from: sylros on March 24, 2012, 09:57:50 AM
Hi, I was wondering how it's going with the DIY root tabs. My tank is suffering from nutrient difficiency and I can't seem to keep up with the root tabs although I just bought a bunch from MOPS - $3-4 less...In getting ready for outside gardening, I got the Miracle-Gro slow release fert...without knowing that I could use it for my tank.

But because the macro quantities are different, I wasn't sure if it was going to work.

It would be nice to know if things are working out.



Quote from: exv152 on March 28, 2012, 04:06:35 PM
I'm gonna now give API a try, thanks for the tip.

I personally use the API tabs just because they have more iron but they don't seem to last a very long time. I have a SA setup with mainly swords so I use plenty of tabs, about a pack of 10 a month.

I may give this DIY tabs a try and see how it goes...


Have you looked at MOPS (Mail Order Pet Supplies) for the price on the API tabs?
Also, what type of DIY tabs are you going to try?


Quote from: touchofsky on March 29, 2012, 09:22:34 AM
Have you looked at MOPS (Mail Order Pet Supplies) for the price on the API tabs?
Also, what type of DIY tabs are you going to try?

Yep, I buy the root tabs at MOPS, most of my stuff if not bought locally I get from MOPS.
I've got a couple of pages bookmarked for the DIY tabs, not sure which ones yet as I need to do a bit more research...


Please keep us posted on what you try and how it works out  :)


From my research the mentioned commercial root tabs API & Seachem compliments each other, the opinions of some is that the Seachem is lacking in NPK with an ample supply of Calcium while the API is better in NPK but needs more frequent application, i don`t know this as factual just what i read.
I`m also looking to go the DIY route & presently leaning to the Smartcote with miconutrients still debating which of the 2 available formulations with micros i`ll go with,  i think one is 14-14-14 & the other is 20-10-7 both with micros & calcium, if anyone wants to be the sacrificial lamb with me & split a bottle LMK can probably split a bottle with several persons.I`m still researching which of the 2 would serve me better as of now i`m leaning towards 14-14-14


Wondering if anyone has every tried to import root tabs from the US, apparently this supplier is really reputable and some aquarists prefer it over all the other commercially available tabs...wonder also if the costs of shipping, duty, taxes etc would be worth it...
125g, 32g, 7g


Quote from: exv152 on March 29, 2012, 12:03:32 PM
Wondering if anyone has every tried to import root tabs from the US, apparently this supplier is really reputable and some aquarists prefer it over all the other commercially available tabs...wonder also if the costs of shipping, duty, taxes etc would be worth it...
I almost pulled the plug on it last week, but decided to try  the DIY after researching it, it`s for all intent & purpose the same as the Smartcote 14-14-14 with the convenience of pre pkg in a capsule.


Quote from: charlie on March 29, 2012, 11:33:08 AM
...if anyone wants to be the sacrificial lamb with me & split a bottle LMK can probably split a bottle with several persons.I`m still researching which of the 2 would serve me better as of now i`m leaning towards 14-14-14

Errol, I have a bottle of the 14-14-14 Smartcote, you are welcome to have some next time I see you.  It works for me.


I imported some root tabs from the U.S., which were basically Osmocote+ in gel caps.  I wasn't charged any duties, taxes etc. and they arrived just fine by regular mail.  I paid something like $14.00 for them.