New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.


Started by Jimbo, May 08, 2012, 09:26:54 PM

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Hi all,

I think at some time or another we all have questions about our tank lighting for our planted or reef tanks.

Does anyone else think we should petition OVAS to buy a PAR meter (such as the Quantum MQ 200) for the club? The club could then either lend or rent it to members. There might be a need for 2 sensors (one for marine and one for fresh water tanks) to prevent cross contamination of copper, etc...

The other option is for club members to team together to independently buy a meter!

Does anyone else have an opinion on this?


It's funny you should bring this up!
I just read about this in Amazonas mag, how other clubs provide this meter for their members and I was going to bring it up at the next exec meeting. :)


Born-again Aquatic Hobbyist with interest in planted nano tanks and Killifish!


Yes to the club par meter...
125g, 32g, 7g


This sounds like a great idea. I'd pitch in for sure! Which reminds me yet again to renew my membership! More perks like this could definitely lead to more memberships as well  :)


A definit perk of being part of a paid membership group. +++


Good idea, why stop it at the PAR meter really...

I'd chip in and/or rent, either way.



Did anything ever happen with this?


A descent PAR meter like the apogee instruments costs between $150 and $365 depending on the model. These units are commonly used in the hydroponics industry. PAR meters would be useful across the board in this hobby from coral reef hobbyists to the planted tank folks. It would be a great incentive for members only, and maybe it would encourage others to get their memberships.
125g, 32g, 7g


At this time it is not in the works, we have a plate full of projects to deal with and as it is we don`t have the resources to acomplish all of it, perhaps if & when the club turns the corner this  maybe something we can handle.


Well well......I have access to one :) took some mesurement in my tank.....Those Radion LED are well above minimal spec for SPS's


a par meter would be worth the price of membership for me


Any ideas on how an instrument of this price and sensitivity can be effectively shared between members? Library books is one thing, but this is a little riskier.
For example, how do we ensure it wasn't damaged from one person to the next? Who would look after the check-in/check-out (and calibration/check after each use)? How much time should it go out for? A full month between meetings like books? Or a week? Would the person in charge want to have that much traffic going to/fro their place for pickup?
I'm not against the idea, it may have some merit, but there are a lot of considerations here.
Again, any ideas?


Quote from: ajm1961 on August 20, 2012, 09:52:15 PM
Any ideas on how an instrument of this price and sensitivity can be effectively shared between members? Library books is one thing, but this is a little riskier.
For example, how do we ensure it wasn't damaged from one person to the next? Who would look after the check-in/check-out (and calibration/check after each use)? How much time should it go out for? A full month between meetings like books? Or a week? Would the person in charge want to have that much traffic going to/fro their place for pickup?
I'm not against the idea, it may have some merit, but there are a lot of considerations here.
Again, any ideas?

I think you've nailed all the reasons it isn't feasible in your thread.  I also think it has merit, but it would be very hard to do.
I haz reef tanks.


Quote from: ajm1961 on August 20, 2012, 09:52:15 PM
Any ideas on how an instrument of this price and sensitivity can be effectively shared between members? Library books is one thing, but this is a little riskier.
For example, how do we ensure it wasn't damaged from one person to the next? Who would look after the check-in/check-out (and calibration/check after each use)? How much time should it go out for? A full month between meetings like books? Or a week? Would the person in charge want to have that much traffic going to/fro their place for pickup?
I'm not against the idea, it may have some merit, but there are a lot of considerations here.
Again, any ideas?
+ - a cash  security deposit to the cost of the meter.


Quote from: ajm1961 on August 20, 2012, 09:52:15 PM
Any ideas on how an instrument of this price and sensitivity can be effectively shared between members? Library books is one thing, but this is a little riskier.
For example, how do we ensure it wasn't damaged from one person to the next? Who would look after the check-in/check-out (and calibration/check after each use)? How much time should it go out for? A full month between meetings like books? Or a week? Would the person in charge want to have that much traffic going to/fro their place for pickup?
I'm not against the idea, it may have some merit, but there are a lot of considerations here.
Again, any ideas?

I think a PAR meter is a great idea.

To implement, one would have to have a cash deposit, a small rental fee to pay for the inevitable wear (much larger rental fee for non-members) and a contract.  Perhaps take a reading with a set up before they take it, and when they return it it should show the 'same' reading at the same set up.
180g mixed reef,
Mostly LPS with some SPS.
powder blue tang, Desjardin's sailfin tang, mandarin goby, clowns, lots of inverts


I agree the logistics in this could be very hard, then how do you limit it, it should be for members and/or people with long standing forum members problem is someone could sign up for  a membeship pay a deposit, and walk away with the meter and never be heard from again there are most likely too many risks involved so although it may seem like a great idea, I don't think its honestly a forseeable thing to do to many negative factors will outweight the benefits


I think the club needs to evolve, and this a fabulous idea. We need more creative ideas in the club, new things that will spark life into this floundering club, rather than have negative comments or excuses for not trying something new. The PAR meter is an excellent idea, it will not only generate new memberships, but it would also be inline with what other aquarium societies are offering its membership in Canada and the US. Like Errol said, a large cash security deposit should suffice.  Or having a specific member of the club do readings for others. Or we could even have a meeting all about lighting where we measure everyone's lighting - because water is not needed to do these readings. In the end if the idea didn't generate enough interest, the club could auction off the meter, or sell it, these units have a high resale value. There's little downside to this idea.
125g, 32g, 7g


Quote from: exv152 on August 21, 2012, 05:02:49 PM
I think the club needs to evolve, and this a fabulous idea. We need more creative ideas in the club, new things that will spark life into this floundering club, rather than have negative comments or excuses for not trying something new. The PAR meter is an excellent idea, it will not only generate new memberships, but it would also be inline with what other aquarium societies are offering its membership in Canada and the US. Like Errol said, a large cash security deposit should suffice.  Or having a specific member of the club do readings for others. Or we could even have a meeting all about lighting where we measure everyone's lighting - because water is not needed to do these readings. In the end if the idea didn't generate enough interest, the club could auction off the meter, or sell it, these units have a high resale value. There's little downside to this idea.

Water is required for an accurate reading as water greatly effects the results from the PAR Meter.  You can still do it without water but the results will be different.  Personally a par meter is a great idea and even if there was a rental charge I am sure it would pay for itself in no time. 
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


I know if i was a aquatic shop owner/manager, this would be something i would jump on, more so if i was selling saltwater related  lights.