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Rating system for buyers/sellers

Started by BigDaddy, March 08, 2006, 01:12:11 PM

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I have noticed over the past few months that many buyers/sellers (more so sellers) are becoming very irrate with people who agree to a transaction and then fail to live up to their part of the agreement.

This is an awesome board with people who are selling gear at SIGNIFICANTLY lower pricing than what you'd see in Pennysaver/UsedOttawa etc...

Please, do not post about an item if you have absolutely no interest or intention to buy.  Also, if you do agree to buy or sell an item, FOLLOW THROUGH.  I have personally seen bewildered members walking around outside the monthly meeting looking for someone, or read numerous items coming up for sale on the boards "again" after a buyer backed down.

On other boards, moderators have implemented a rating system similar to eBay's feedback policy.  If things continue to deteriorate, maybe I will speak to our webmaster about the feasibility of establishing one here.

Again... OVAS provides this forum for people to buy and sell and does not moderate those transactions.  However, if the reputation of the board or the club becomes negatively impacted, then maybe a rating system might be in order


Oh... and your input/insights would be more than welcome.  In all fairness, please do not list specific users or transactions (we don't need a flame war here) but your general experience and/or views


I have found people overall to be great! Most of the time if someone hasn't shown it's because I've given bad directions and they got lost!  :wink:


It hasn't happened to me, but I know that another member on these forums has been stood up a few times, or when going to pick up, was informed it was sold already....  :roll:  I'd also like to see people sell on a first call/PM first serve basis, but that'd be hard to regulate. I'm in favour of this rating system, can't do anything but good IMO.


As to the first call/pm, the seller has every right to sell to whom they want. After all, if the first pm i get wants to know if I will drop it in Kanata, and the second says they'll pick up, then guess who's getting it?


I think this could be interesting but we'd have to be diligent in filling out the ratings for it to mean anything. I am presently experiencing the 'deja vu thing' with someone on this board - I said I'd buy his fish and I see them up for sale again. Very annoying. I can understand that there are situations where you might change your mind but then let the other person know so they can look elsewhere.


I know on ebay I've received negative feedback when it wasn't warranted such as retaliation feedback. I've also been afraid to leave negative feedback because of this.

I can also see disagreements being played out with the points system too- people forming negative opinions of other based on a one sided account.

Wouldn't there have to be some way to register all transactions then (including pending pick ups)? It seems there would have to be to avoid people leaving positive or negative feedback without a transaction.


I think people are pretty good and do not think we need a rating/feedback option on this site.  

I think most of the problems come from lack of communication or lack of knowing the person face to face. (Ie  look for a guy with brown hair 5'10 wearing blue jeans at the meeting )


As far as a feedback system goes... there are third party sites like Heatware, a private traders' evaluation and reference site used by members of various BBSs.  When I moderated on a case moddin' site, many members preferred to use heatware more to establish their own credentials rather than pointing out the flaws of others.

As I said, its not something I'm proposing.  God knows, there's enough work being done by the volunteers for this club as it stands.  But if the trend continues... it may become an option.

An Aiglos... I hear ya... but buy the same token my perception from those on the forum is there's far more people backing out or simply no-showing than you think...

Communication is important yes... for example CA1 and I have been trying to hook up to get a filter sold... but we are both really bad at scheduling.   :lol:   But he knows I'm still buying it, and I know he's still holding it for me.  Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like people are being up front when they make a committment to buy or sell.


Did my post get deleted from this thread?  :?


The solution is simple:
Make all transactions and pick-up scheduling on the thread instead of pm


I like the idea of some sort of feedback system. Stijn over at applesnail is working on implementing something similar. has a user feedback system in place, but I don't know if they're using the same forum software. Might want to check it out, though.


A rule that needs to be hit into some heads on here, is STATE THE PRICE!    :lol:    People post an item, no post them the question of their asking price, you don't get what you asked for, it's more like you get a question back.   Ask a question, and get answered with a question   :roll:    If they don't want to state their price, then the thread should be deleted.   One person yesterday, put a thread for a 45 gal....he said best offer.   I started the offers at $1   *LOL*  But I deleted the response before I broke his heart and he got offended.


I think with that rule its mostly a case of people knowing they're supposed to.


I agree there is to much best offer stuff, but this is already a rule, you have to have a price.

I think that this is a geat idea, if our form wasn't so small, and such a tightly knot comunity, word gets around pritty fast about stuff you did wrong. Also some times you make a mistake about some thing, say you want it then don't need it because of something, this is not your fault, you ar not going to spend an extra $30 on something that you don't need, just to keep your rateings up.
this is an importand dicision, and I don;t think we should do this just yet. We are not big enough to suport somthing like this, and some one will proboly abuse it.


Yes a price should be posted when selling. But,  also one should not knock ones price. Make a offer ! But one should not make remarks about it for being to much! or over priced. If its too much don't buy it. Does anyone complain about a item that is posted too low!

James :D
55-g  Kribs. Busyi nose pleco, abino
25 gal yellow lab , Brichardi,
55-g white top Afra, Synodontus Alberti,
33- gal PS Demansoni
30-g Dim..Compressiceps , 55 gal  red swords, 
.30-g  P.S Flavus


Quote from: "james"Hi
Yes a price should be posted when selling. But,  also one should not knock ones price. Make a offer ! But one should not make remarks about it for being to much! or over priced. If its too much don't buy it. Does anyone complain about a item that is posted too low!

James :D

Agreed.  Serious buyers will always try to bargain in PM's.  Only the thread crappers will bitch and complain about prices in the actual thread.


Although not a solution to the whole problem, perhaps we can dream up a better way to have transactions happen at the meetings.  I've been approached at every meeting by someone who wanted me to point out "so and so" to them, as they were supposed to hook up for a sale.  I don't really have a suggestion on HOW to do this, but it can't hurt.

I have to say, I actually strongly disagree with a rating system.  On Ebay, the rating system is virtually useless.  EVERYONE has a 100% or near 100% rating; those that don't just don't sell or buy things.

I see something like this as something that could be abused much quicker than it would help.  Right now, our classified ads forum is just a billboard that anyone can post to.  If we wanted to do a rating system we'd need to actually have OVAS somehow manage the transactions.

I don't think a rating system on users will do anything except drive people from the site.


I concur, if it comes under this sort of control, then it is no longer a corkboard, and could attract scrutiny under some bureaucracy that would serve to quench the autonomy and the easy trading.

Keeping it simple, and trading in good faith, requires co-operation from us all. Following the rules of the road would help everyone drive safely.

Railings on bridges aren't there to control us as much as to make us feel more secure and to keep us from going over the edge.


Quoteyou ar not going to spend an extra $30 on something that you don't need, just to keep your rateings up.
Sorry, did that and kept my word, then put the unwanted piece back in the classifieds just as if I would have lost my deposit.
The rating is already done by word of mouth, just don't think it has its place on this forum.