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New Fish Food Company: Aquarium Provisions

Started by darkdep, March 17, 2006, 09:59:13 AM

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I found very little in the way of trouble using this green food, I don't know about the neighbour's thoughts on it yet, but I used a two and a half pound club hammer on an oak floor. Great service from the steel hammer, but a bit loud. :)


My Discus enjoyed the High Protein angels found it okay which is suprising as my angels go crazy for everything else!

Thanks Chris!


Some fish may need a day or two to adjust to the new food; but this is pretty common with any food change.


Hi Folks, it's been a bit since you all got the food, I'm wondering if after a couple weeks what your thoughts are?  Positive and Negative please...I am looking to keep improving them.


My only problem is getting the pieces broke apart.  

If you had it setup so that they would break off into little squares it would be great.

My Oscar loves it.  The livebearers like it and ive even fed it to my cherry shrimp and they thrive on it aswell.


I'm trying to figure out whether I should go the route of making the packs thinner (I've made a few thinner ones and the food is very easy to break apart) or trying to score it somehow.


I'm sure just scoring it would probably help.

Who is selling it now darkdep?  I noticed aquanourriplus has it, have any of the local stores picked it up too?


Omni is best. all fish like it.
I need some kind of frozen Fry food.


Frozen fry food would ROCK ! ! !

Culture large amount of daphnia / VE ? and freeze them ? haha  im sure that wouldnt suffice.


The Omni is getting the best reviews from everyone so far.  

Right now, Aquanourriplus and Pet Circus is selling it.  I'm in discussions with the chains but I've decided to get feedback and finalize the packaging before going any furthur.  The biggest thing right now seems to be to make it easier to break up.  At the moment I'm a little lost on how I can actually do that.  I've tried setting the food, pre-frozen, on a grate in the freezer and it comes out with a nice grid on it...that may be the way.


Frozen Fry food I'd love to do next :)



One thing I've noticed is that you don't use gelatin.

I also make my own food, and it's gelatin-based.  After it's set, I cut it up into week-size chunks (about a 2"x2"x3/4" square) and put it into a baggie.  That way, when I need to take more out of the freezer, even if it's frozen together it's very easy to break along the seams.  Then, I can thaw a week's portion in the fridge and break it up as I need it.

The problem with your food is that it's difficult to break into appropriate-sized chunks.  If the chunks are too big, they melt into a blob and when I put that in the water it breaks apart into a million tiny pieces and goes everywhere.  Because the food I make has gelatin in it, this doesn't happen nearly as much.

However, my goldfish LOVE the food you made!  Not knocking the formula at all!  If the food was packaged thinner, that would be a plus (I've said that before) and in my personal preference I prefer the gelatin foods.  I do realize that using gelatin would probably significantly increase the cost.


Actually, squeeker, I DO use gelatin (It's the only ingredient that isn't on the current label).  However, based on your comments, it is my opinion that I'm not using enough.  That is something I plan to remedy.

Right now I'd like to focus on ease of use, and binding the food better.


there IS gelatin?  Wow.  LOL, obviously not enough!    I think I use a package of gelatin for 3/4 cups of food mix...

It won't take long until you've got it perfect!  It's so close!


i can provide hosting for free


Keep in mind that this stuff is currently being made in like, 15 Litre batches at a time at the moment...The gelatin equation isn't so easy :lol:  But very good to know, I appreciate the feedback.


Heh, never thought of the sheer quantity!


how can i learn to make fish food?


Quote from: "darkdep"Actually, squeeker, I DO use gelatin (It's the only ingredient that isn't on the current label).  However, based on your comments, it is my opinion that I'm not using enough.  That is something I plan to remedy.

Right now I'd like to focus on ease of use, and binding the food better.
Can you have some, gelatin FREE? (without gelatin or ash)


I just thought of an idea for making it easily breakable.

Take a big piece of plywood and drill holes into it, but not all the way through. Make the holes as densely spaced as possible.

Sandwich the raw food between the holey plywood and a flat piece, leaving a little food between the layers, then freeze the "sandwich".

This way you will have little "plugs" of food with a thinner piece separating them.  The thinner piece should make it easier to break the plugs apart.