New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

OVAS has done it again!! xxxx L. AU in Ottawa

Started by charlie, September 17, 2009, 02:40:42 PM

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In the Past this club has hosted great speakers in different aspects of the hobby, speakers such as Spencer Jack, Rusty Wessel, Karen Randall, Anthony Calfo & several others.
This time around i`m pleased to tell you, that OVAS has secured  a commitment from Mr. xxxx L Au.

xxxx is a long time hobbyist & breeder & well published author in the Discus world among others.
He will be our featured speaker at our October  26Th club meeting, so mark your calenders for this once in a lifetime feature.
All club members will have free admission as usual, non members/visitors will be charged a nominal fee of $5.00.
Edit to add - xxxx will have a few copies of his books available, perfect time to get a autographed copy
xxxx Au (San Francisco, California) has been an active aquarist and discus enthusiast for over 50 years.  He credits his ongoing success in raising and breeding beautiful discus to keen observation, patience, and practice rather than relying on measurements and formulae.  xxxx is an accomplished author.  In addition to frequent articles for aquarium magazines, his discus books, "Back to Nature – Guide to Discus" and "Trophy Discus" are consider  the most complete guide to discus keeping.  He is a veteran speaker and show judge.  Most recently, he presented a public seminar on discus keeping  at the 2009 Aquarama  Show in Singapore.

Presentation Abstract:
Discus Basics -  This presentation provides all the basic knowledge and guidelines for the successful acquisition, maintenance, pair selection and breeding of discus.  The emphasis will be on the practical and experienced based aspects rather than theoretical.  It will also include an overview of discus varieties available in the hobby today as well as how they are judged in discus shows.

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FW Nano's 5g & 15g
Inverts & Micro fish


although i am a sw head. i deff enjoyed the speakers from both sides of the spectrum. it's refreshing to learn new things.


Fabulous!!  I can't wait!!  I'm going to forward that to my friend in Toronto.


Please note i edited the original post to add - "xxxx will have a few copies of his book available , perfect time to get a autographed copy"

There is a possibility of a Tuesday morning brunch with Mr. Au for those who can make it for some one on one prior to him departing Ottawa - Please indicate here if this might be of interest to you.


I'm game, as long as nobody will mind Fishnut Jr. joining me :)


Cheers, Steve


Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


If it is a Tuesday, I can also likely attend a brunch!
Slowly venturing down the Amano path...



As I have mentioned before I AM A DISCUS ADDICT.  It will be a great honor to meet him :)

Thanks to those that have arranged for a great speaker ;)


Great stuff Errol, its about time he made it to Ottawa ;-)


Well it`s almost here, Monday Oct. 26Th @ 7.00 PM - J.A. Dulude Arena - Mel Baker Hall, located at 941 Clyde Avenue.Great presentation by a great speaker xxxx Lam Au - free to members & $5.00 for others
Mini auction
One free membership draw for persons buying a membership @ this meeting.
Opportunity to renew your expired membership
Our first mini auction for the new season
Purchase your OVAS Xmas banquet tickets
Door prize draw for members
sample the library
Wear your favorite Haloween costume
Meet & chat with fellow hobbyist one on one - give the keyboard a rest
Beverage & snacks.


xxxx's presentation was super good. and im glad i got to talk with him for 10-15minutes. Good guy. Very Interesting / Informative


Presentation was amazing - xxxx is a very good speaker, enthusiastic, practical, passionate, and obviously experienced. Great to see someone who knows the intricate details about Trophy Discus but doesn't mind spending time reviewing the basics.

I learned more in one evening than in way too much time reading on the internet forums. I mean forums are ok, but it comes time to give the keyboard a rest. (I love that line Charlie).

I was the guy up front asking all the questions...hope I didn't get on anyone's nerves.

I'm glad to belong to a club that fosters the hobby - seems like the economics work out pretty well to me; funding from memberships and auctions go into bringing top rated speakers to generate interest in the hobby.


Cheers, Steve


Thanks Charlie for an most excellent speaker! I loved his hands no frills approach to fish breeding. xxxx was a delightful speaker and spoke with great enthusiasm for our hobby. I found a lot of what he spoke of was applicable to aquariums in general.  :)


I never really liked discus before...but I have to say after listening to xxxx Au talk about them...I am interested now hahaha just need a tank now ;)

Great topic and very interesting!!

(Have to say was dissapointed that more of you ovas'ers didnt dress up! or bring goodies! shame shame)
55 Gallon: Zamora Woodcats, Gold Gourami, Severum, Convicts
Misc tanks: Glo Light Tetras, Harlequin Tetras, Danios, Platies, Guppies, Otto cats
Breeding: Platies, Guppies, Convicts


I'm sorry I missed this, I had intended to ago, but a migraine kept me from work Yesterday and comming to the meeting :( I was looking soooo forward to seeing this presentation.



Indeed it was a fantastic presentation, for those that missed it for whatever reason , you missed a golden opportunity to enrich your knowledge in this hobby.
Some of xxxx`s sentiment - he was very happy to come to Ottawa & share the time & experience with us - the audience was great & engaging .

I`ve sat in on a few hobby presentation`s & xxxx Au has to be in the top 2 passionate, knowledgeable & approachable speakers i`ve had the pleasure of meeting, the guy is a overflowing reservoir of hobby experience.


Kudos to Charlie.  xxxx gave a great presentation.
Really nice guy, very approachable.
I am not into Discus but learned some stuff that I can use for other fish.
Thanks again.


its funny when i was talking to xxxx during the auction.. I was interested on how overloaded the tanks where, the debris, and so on about the bio load, so we were chatting about that....then ...

As a sw head myself had to ask....

....'are u using ro/di water' he chuckled and said, if u want to spend all that money fine. So then i asked, well what are u using...and he flat out said tap water...

Then i remembered at the begining of the prez, he said, what ever is working for u and what is working for u keep doing it.

I just think its funny cuz we all have crrazzy filtration, flow, and so on... Meanwhile he has 100 fry in a 20g with a aquaclear HOB 20, and does water changes with tap water.

Its tobad i had 100 more questions.