New meeting location for the 2023/2024 Season will be at J.A. Dulude arena.  Meetings start at 7 pm.

Small Miracles

Started by CC-Slider, October 16, 2018, 09:24:07 PM

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Well today I picked up my Order from Jody, 7 green laser cory's and 4 angelicus pleco's. The pleco's are beautiful.
But this story is about the green laser's. You see back in Aprils Auction I bought 4 Green laser's. at the time these where my most wanted fish. Well I had them in their own tank in my kitchen where I could sit and eat while watching them buzz around doing cory things. Then at the end of June we had a heat wave and at the same time a Family emergency took me away from home. While I was away none of my tenants could figure out how to turn on the AC, I guess a Breaker marked AC in the breaker panel 2 feet away from the furnace was to hard to see. So when I got home I found my cory tank was over 31C. Needless to say I did my best to lower the water temp back to 24C. And then waited and watched. No sign of my cory's. As the tank was heavily planted I did not want to rip them up to search for the missing corys. After a month I pronounced them dead. :'(  I would throw in a cube of repashy 1-2 times a week for the Snails and to keep the tank cycled.

That brings us up to today. I got home with my fish order so happy to have my green laser's only to find one of them was DOA. :'(  So I climatized asap then plop and dropped the remaining 6. well a few hours later I was watching the corys explore when I noticed I had 7 cory's swimming around. I quickly realized 1 of them was a lot larger. He had survived the heat wave. All I can assume is because he was now alone he stayed hidden for the last 4 months until his new tank mates showed up.

Now they are zipping around doing their cory things. So even thou it was sad to lose one it was also great to find out at least one of the originals had survive. And is no long alone and has 6 new buddies to swim with.
"Quando omni flunkus, moritati"
"when all else fails, play dead"


Awesome experience ,thanks for sharing.


A story which is sad but also has a great ending of happiness. I bet the one Cory was super happy to have buddies again in the tank.

Unfortunately losses happen in this hobby and it's always difficult and sad. It sounds like you really care for those cories though. Would be awesome to see the tank some day :)


That must have been a shock for sure seeing the lone survivor. Nice outcome.
Always loved our corys, such characters.
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.