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150 peninsula

Started by salvini55, September 29, 2010, 03:59:33 AM

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It is! It's been someone tricky as it seems that every different type of yuma likes specific conditions, so it's tricky finding the right flow, light etc for optimal growth. So far so good though, I'll post an update of my tanks soon :)


Quote from: salvini55 on November 10, 2011, 02:37:18 PM
I dont want to jump the gun but the hypersalinity seems to have killed off the bryopsis penata and fast i might add. Wish yall could see the smile on my face  :P

What SG did you raise to?  Did you have to take anything out of the tank when doing so?


I raised the salinity to 1.028 and the briopsis died in a matter of 3-4 days. Everything did well in the tank, shrimp, crabs, clam, fish and coral all did great. I am back down to 1.025 now because my ATO failed and ~30gallons of RO got pumped into the tank (and on the floor). I siphoned out as much of the dead algae as i could and the Foxface and crabs did the rest.

List of a few species that ate the bryopsis penata;

foxface rabbitfish
yellow tang
rainfords goby
hermit crabs
sea hare
fighting conch (only once algae was dead)
trochus snails (only once algae was dead)


I'd never had problem with hair algeas it took me a month half to recycle my tank before adding corals weird as well didn't add any additives all I know just those green slimy algeas spreading so fast all over my LR's I know those causes of phosphate. I've got my powder blue that time anyway ever since I gave up him due that it's seems getting bigger everyday, I've got this tiny at mscape his been my 40g I miss this fish. What I have problem now is red cyano my green stag only 2 branches left still fighting to recover & took off my bio-pellets seems this causes of some acro my tank loosing color back to normal Gfo & as well back to t5 again corals like this light specially my deep water acro


Those corals are looking good! The pics aren't so bad either  ;D
120G Reef


Thanks Jerry, Its amazing what a cheap point and shoot camera can do these days  :)


Those r mscape frag right nice.



You guys really need to stop posting such nice pics, you're
making it awfully tempting to venture down the salt road.
Good thing I'm broke, otherwise I can see getting into
Keep us honest and true as the horses we ride.


I understand but im afraid that is impossible  8)


Friggn nice frags there.  Where'd you get them?


SPS are from FT and MS. LPS and clam are from AZ


Hmmm, looks good, but I see an awesome spot for a little gsp (ahem, not GPS)....


Quote from: Medym on November 29, 2011, 09:45:30 AM
Hmmm, looks good, but I see an awesome spot for a little gps....

GPS on the fish? :D  You can follow them on twitter then!  And Poke them on facebook, and .... ugh!  Mind.. exploding!
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


Quote from: JetJumper on November 29, 2011, 12:20:15 PM
GPS on the fish? :D  You can follow them on twitter then!  And Poke them on facebook, and .... ugh!  Mind.. exploding!

Well played sir... well played.


good idea, map the gps location of the fish to see how fast my tang swims for one side to the next in my tank


We could have fish races!  Wouldn't that be cool?  haha!!  Who has the fastest SW fish in Ottawa.  You will win a prize ;)
.: JetJumper's Zone :.


I bet I have the fastest hermit lol. White claw hermits are zipidy quick